what happened to marial in a long walk to water

Asked by: Diodora Freudenfeld
asked in category: General Last Updated: 8th May, 2020

How did Marial die in a long walk to water?

Southern Sudan, 1985: In the night, Salva's friend Marial was taken away and killed by a lion.

Marial dies in chapter vii. Later on this Salva copes considering he is devastated with his expiry from the lion.

Subsequently, question is, who is Marial in a long walk to water? Marial. Marial is a young boy, the same age as Salva. The two meet during the march towards Ethiopia and they quickly become friends, mainly because they are the only children in the group.

Secondly, what happened to Marial in a long walk to water?

A immature fellow member of the Jur-chol tribe, who walks alongside Salva Dut afterwards they're both forced out of their villages. A young male child, Marial is Salva Dut's only friend early on in the refugee crisis, who mysteriously disappears, perchance considering he's eaten by a lion.

Did Salva Dut e'er find his family?

Salva Dut was separated from his family unit during a civil war in what is at present South Sudan. He has to walk for weeks with only the hope that ane day he volition notice his family again. He lives with a family in Rochester, New York. Years afterward, he finds his father who tells him that most of his family survived.

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Source: https://askinglot.com/how-did-marial-die-in-a-long-walk-to-water

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