How Do Doctors Check if Baby Is Head Down

Is your baby shaking their head side to side? Or mayhap some other way?

Baby head shaking tin be due to many reasons — normal developmental milestones, learning to control neck activity, illness, or neurodevelopmental issues. In this article, you larn how to identify the reason, and how to address the head-shaking (if needed).

baby shaking head

Annihilation that our babies do that is out of the ordinary is a crusade for concern for most parents. It tin can send us into panic mode only parents tin understand. A sudden loss of muscle control of the neck or the frequent lolling or shaking of our baby'south caput can make us go from cypher to panic in seconds.

Let usa review the possible reasons for this situation. Below are x reasons why a baby shakes his or her head.

10 Possible Reasons for Frequent Head-Shaking in Babies and Recognizing Red Flags

1. Learning Neck Control

Ordinarily, by 2 months of age, a babe starts to smile and look up at their parents. Sometimes, these babies accept heavier than usual heads (overweight babies), and weaker neck muscles, hence we tin can see them shaking their heads from side to side. The neck that cannot hold the caput up results in moving the head from side to side in an try to face up. But this is not a crusade for concern, since most babies have sufficient neck control once they are able to ringlet over, which happens by the third to quaternary calendar month.

At around two months old, babies are kickoff to become more than enlightened of the people around them, making them look up more or turn their heads from side to side. This is their fashion of trying to get a glimpse of who or what is effectually them. This is one of the best times in watching our babies. They develop naturally and on their own. And then, sit down dorsum and relax, and enjoy the show.

2.Playing and fake

Babies may besides shake their heads when on breadbasket or dorsum as role of playing and false. In this case, the headshaking may be role of trying to imitate people effectually them or interacting.

Needless to say, this type of head-shaking is no business organization. If you remember your baby is doing it too much, try to distract by interacting in other ways, and recall to not reinforce the beliefs past giving it likewise much attention.

3. Sleepy or Self-Soothing to Fall Comatose

tired baby shaking head

Nosotros can notice our babies lolling their heads to slumber, which is mutual and normal. It appears every bit if some babies discover these movements self-soothing.

While this is common and normal behavior for infants, there are situations the head rolling is and so frequent and forcefull that it disturbs the kid'due south sleep. In such a case, the headshaking may authorize every bit a rhythmic motility disorder.

iv. Non-verbal Communication

Of course, at point, your baby will start communicating not-verbally, and shaking their head will actually mean no. This usually happen at around xiii to 15 months of age, while nodding appears to be more hard. Babies/toodlers start nodding to say yes at 16 to 18 months of age.

5. Hungry or Trying to Latch

Some babies get excited when they endeavor to latch on their moms' breasts. At starting time, this can be due to lack of muscle control while after a while you may see it when the babe is really hungry and excited to get FOOD! Hence, we tin can too encounter a scrap of head shaking in those scenarios. All these are common and normal.

A red flag would be if they cannot move their heads or lift their heads up, accompanied by incessant crying, which is the next item in this article.

half-dozen. Ear or Brain Infections

baby shaking head ear infection

Encephalon Infection

A baby trying to move his head but seem to be in discomfort or in hurting can bespeak an infection.  Neck rigidity will near likely make them cry equally they attempt to move their heads from side to side.  This usually indicates brain infections.

A phone call to the emergency room or his physician is of utmost importance at this point.

Ear Infection

An ear infection could besides crusade the infant to shake his head, more ofttimes than normal. Sometime, there is a ringing in the ears (tinnitus) or a discharge coming out from his ear, or pain caused by an inflammation of the ear drums, or an itch in his ear canal that he tries to look for a head position that affords him comfort.

Things that you can practice to help your baby is to stay at-home. Call your family medico or his pediatrician.

Check for his vitals similar his sensorium (Is he awake or drowsy? Is he having seizures?), temperature (High class fever?), breathing (Is he breathing fast or slow?). Also, you can check his head for any possible signs of infection (wounds, inflammation, abscess), or discharges from his ear (pus, articulate discharges).

Effort to review the by few days for any indication of anything out of the ordinary. These are the things that will be asked of you lot once y'all call your healthcare provider.

7. Rhythmic Movement Disorder (RMD)

While shaking head to fall asleep is considered normal infant behavior in most cases, it tin also sometimes qualify equally an indisposition sleep disorder. It usually occurs when the child is transitioning to sleep or already asleep and tin can include headshaking from side to side,  or other repetivite motions, including head bangning, or torso rocking or rolling.

There are no tests to diagnose the RMD, but rather a number of critera, including that the movements  are frequent and potent enough to interfere with sleep, impair daytime alacrity, or place the patient at risk of bodily injury. (Source)

8. Neurodevelopmental Issues

Repetitive and frequent lolling or head-shaking may signal neurodevelopmental abnormalities. This can include Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Arrears Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), or Tourette's Syndrome.

When you lot doubtable these, you accept to await for other signs such equally sudden jerking movements, lack of heart contact, frequent head banging, tics (frequent hasty hand gestures or face or body movements), stacking, lining of things, spinning, among others.

Reach out to your md for consultation and diagnosis for early intervention in these cases is vital for their development.

On a side note, Tourette's Syndrome and ADHD are usually diagnosed at the age range of 5 to 7 years of age. Even so, some cases manifest symptoms in toddlers early. Additionally, Tourette's Syndrome, ADHD, and ASD have overlapping signs and symptoms, hence it is important to consult a specialist early.

nine. Neurological disorders

In rare cases, head-shaking can be a sign of a neurological disorder.Below are 2 neurological disorders that have head-shaking as 1 of the symptoms.

Benign myoclonic epilepsy in infancy

This is a rare form of epilepsy where the seizure usually brainstorm from 4 months to 3 years of age, only nigh oft between 1 and 2 years of historic period.

Children with this status accept myoclonic seizures including caput nodding. In some cases, heart-rolling is also present.

The children need to be diagnosed and treated and for well-nigh children, the seizures will stoop when they are around 5 or 6 years old.

Rhombencephalosynapsis (RES)

Rhombencephalosynapsis (RES) is a  midline brain malformation which presents past, amongst others, caput-shaking, unusual heart-movements and various degrees of developmental delays.

A study published in 2013 constitute head-shaking to be a marker for RES in 50 of 59 patients even years earlier dignosis. The patients were between 6 months and 32 years old. In 65% of the cases, repetitive headshaking in a effigy-8 or side-to-side motility had developed during their first year of life. (Source)

This is a rare condition, simply still one to consider if at that place are other apropos symptoms present as well.

10. Dumb Eyesight

Another possible developmental reason is impaired eyesight. For example, blind children sometimes appoint in repetitive behaviors, such as head shaking. But then over again, deafness or blindness would take other symptoms also.

These signs warrant medical consultation at the primeval possible fourth dimension. The earlier you have the diagnosis and intervention, the amend your child can cope with the world.

When Can a Infant's Caput-Shaking be a Warning Sign?

Here are some red flags that you lot have to look out for when head-shaking becomes frequent:

  • Frequent caput shaking with fever or neck rigidity
  • No sustained eye contact with the people around him
  • Your babe or toddler is not aware of his environment or the people around him
  • Your child fails to reach other developmental milestones outlined by your doctor
  • Your kid doesn't respond to your voice, as well as other sounds
  • Sudden jerky movements and out of command shouting
  • Presence of inappropriate body or facial movements
  • Cannot stay in one place
  • Frequent head-banging to the extent of pain himself in the procedure
  • Seizures

If y'all feel that your toddler or baby exhibits these signs, practice not postpone a phone call to a pediatrician. Early intervention is fundamental for children with developmental concerns.

How to Make My Infant End Shaking Head?

Information technology is always of import to investigate the possible causes for your babe's head-shaking. Our consequent actions will vary depending on the cause for this activity.

When he is only trying to latch or look around and lift his head, and then information technology'southward non a cause for business concern at all. If annihilation, it is the normal developmental process for babies. When you lot see him lolling his head to sleep, conveying him and singing a lullaby should do the trick. Put him in a comfy position and your baby will doze off soon.

If you believe that the head-shaking is for attention and role of imitating and playing, remember not to reinforce this detail movement (in case you retrieve information technology has become likewise much). Endeavor to non react to your babe's head-shaking and instead distract with other types of interaction.

However, when you see red flags, it should exist reiterated that calling your medico is of utmost priority. Early interventions for both infections and neurodevelopmental issues can save your children's lives.

Babe Shaking Caput SIde to Side: References

  • Seizures in Children | Symptoms & Causes
  • Tourette Syndrome
  • Benign myoclonic epilepsy in infancy

Baby & Toddler Wellness Volume Tips

It tin can be quite comforting and helpful to accept a kids' health reference volume at home! Here are a few quality books:

  • The Large Book of Symptoms: A-Z Guide to Your Kid's Health
  • Caring for Your Babe and Immature Child, 6th Edition: Nascence to Historic period 5
  • Your Child's Health: The Parents' I-Stop Reference Guide to: Symptoms, Emergencies, Common Illnesses, Behavior Bug, and Healthy Development

Read Side by side

Here are some other ways babies may be shaking and what to think about it:

  • Babe Suddenly Shaking
  • Infant'due south Arm Shaking – Dangerous?
  • Signs of autism in babies and toddlers
  • Developing gestures for no and yeah: Caput shaking and nodding in infancy


Start, you'll notice many, many older comments here. We changed to a new commenting system, so if you want to add your own thoughts, curlicue to the bottom! :-)

how do you stop it

How exercise y'all cease your baby from shaking their caput? Not trying to be mean just I don't my little boy growing up and doing this all his life that is weird. Plus he needs to go to slumber when I desire him to not endeavour and stay  awake.

Thank Goodness we are not alone!!
past: Claire

I was delighted this evening to come up across all the comments nigh head rolling and shaking. My fiddling boy near 7 has rolled his head side to side in a frantic fashion when sleepy, to get himself off to sleep, and throughout the night, and early morning, since he was a tiny newborn. I have never consulted a dr., equally he is happy and healthy in every other fashion. As a Mum, I guess yous practise worry about all these funny goings on. Lovely to read all the other comments, very helpful.

by: Anonymous

How-do-you-do, I am 12 years old and I notwithstanding rock my head side to side e'er since I was a baby to become to sleep. I find information technology helps me to get to sleep and I can't get to sleep very well without rolling.
Information technology keeps putting my neck out of place and giving me headaches. I also observe information technology fun to roll. I'thousand glad to know later on reading this that I'1000 not the just ane.

by: Bearding

I'm normal, Lol
I was checking this out tonight because I'grand 28 years old and I've rocked and rolled myself to sleep every night since I was a baby.
My 4-month-old son has been doing this for a few weeks now and I just wondered if information technology was hereditary.
I can stop some nights and go to sleep on my side, but I exercise enjoy rolling my head from side to side, It feels like it relaxes me into a deep sleep and blocks out whatever other noise that is going on in the firm, especially my partners snoring!

by: Bearding

I am 24 years sometime immature woman and I used to milk shake my head every bit a child. Not but from right to left earlier and afterward sleeping but also past striking the back of my head on the chair. I did this often when I was mad or while listening to music. When I was around 12, my parents started to get worried that it might crusade some harm, so they started helping me stop. Slowly I did. Even though I replaced the caput matter by a foot thing, lol. Anyways I have always been the best o my class and now I'm studying technology, so I can tell y'all information technology doesn't crusade brain damage ;)

Getting this checked out
by: Scared Mom

My 4-month-sometime girl started shaking her head if saying no.. involuntarily 4 days ago and I blew it off at start, but it has increased over the terminal few days to the point I took her to our Nurse Practitioner yesterday. She saw her practise information technology and said she wanted to tell me information technology'southward zilch just is sending u.s. to the Pediatric Neurologist Friday for an EEG to be sure. I am scared half out of my mind..just ready to know she is o.k. I will post our results.

Shaking head
by: Honey

My babe is 8 months old now. She is shaking her head. When I traveled international (my baby 6 months of historic period) one of the passengers asked me, why she is shaking her head? I noticed from that time onwards. I reached my dwelling country and all of my friends and relatives asked the same. I was scaring. She is 8 months old now but she is not crawling or sitting without support. Can someone give me some suggestions?

Adult still shaking head and embarrassed
by: Bearding

I'm 24 and have been shaking my head from side to side since I was little. My grandfather from my mother's office has done the same affair his entire life (75 years).

Reading some of the in a higher place comments makes me think this could really be hereditary or very influential on kids (though I tin't say I have spent that much fourth dimension with my grandfather as a child).

I've always thought of it as an unusually bizarre affair to do and refrain from ever talking most information technology with anyone, non fifty-fifty with my parents or sister, though they know I withal practice it. I observe information technology actually embarrassing since it's not something I do only to go myself asleep, but at random times during the solar day, while laying downwardly and listening to music.

I'm also concerned I might never be able to 'cure' this behavior, for I have tried restraining from doing information technology a couple of days in a row and was shocked to wake myself (or be woken upwards by my sister) while doing it (subconsciously).

concerned mom
by: Bearding

My baby boy has plagiocephaly and is currently undergoing helmet therapy. He has had his helmet for about 5 months now and we are definitely seeing progress in his head shape.

He recently started shaking his caput back and along and having what appears to be a quick tremor. His body stiffens but only for a few seconds. He does not sit up for very long or crawl, he does not concord his ain bottle, he doesn't similar to stand up with support and he'southward almost nine months.

He has an appointment with the craniofacial specialist on Tuesday and I'm hoping these are all normal things that occur with babies with plagiocephaly.

Don't believe shaking is a peeing indicate
by: Anonymous

I practice non buy that whole affair about peeing and shuddering. I have a one-twelvemonth-old who seems to shudder or get chill-like symptoms a few times a day. I am very concerned about this, merely her Mom e'er laughs when I mention it. I practice not concur, that she is peeing when this happens, considering her Dad who is 25 years old does it too!!! Whatsoever comments?

11month sometime shaking his head side to side
by: Emma

My son shakes his head from side to side. He has been doing this for a few months now. I practise recollect he does it when fighting his sleep because he only does it when he is tired.

My son also has one side of his caput different than the other. On one side there'southward a bone that sticks out similar a bump. The other side had it, merely it has been gone for months. Is this simply his caput withal developing?

My infant shakes head when I speak
by: Anonymous

My baby'southward caput shaking is different… He started shaking his head at i month and two weeks… He shakes his head when nosotros do something he doesn't like as if he understands what'due south going on in his environment. For example, when I hold him to make him sleep and I offset talking with our housekeeper, he will expect at me and milkshake his head. When I stop talking, he volition end shaking. Isn't that very odd?

Baby head shaking considering of the congested nose
by: mompro

My baby boy is half dozen months old. When he started doing the side to side shaking, it scared me, merely later on researching, I am not and then scared anymore.

Many babies practice this to explore what they can practice equally their milestones. For my baby, the shaking had to do with a congested cold. I pray that he volition outgrew this soon.

Still rolling head back and forth – adult at present
by: Anonymous

I've been rolling my head back and forth to get to sleep all my life, 44 years now. It's always just seemed to be a strange personal quirk, and never a sign of anything farther at all, only I pretty much cannot fall asleep without doing information technology except on rare occasions where I'm wearied or boozer.

There have, notwithstanding, been many times I've spent the nighttime with others and take been also embarrassed to roll… Those are generally miserable experiences for me, although every bit I've gotten older I've become more enlightened of what is happening within my trunk, and ameliorate at compensating. I feel this need for rhythmic movement as a kind of "nervous anxiety" centered in the base of my spine, and then thoroughly stretching those muscles with awareness before getting into bed can really assistance (plus no i really thinks anything most you stretching earlier bed).

I only merely thought to get online and look into it and was surprised at how many articles claim information technology will not last beyond immature babyhood. But to exist clear, nearly manufactures seem to label it a "disorder", and it sounds similar some of the descriptions are more tearing than rhythmic, many involve headbanging or shaking rather than rhythmic rolling, then at that place may well be diverse different issues and manifestations being grouped together here.

Once more, for myself, it'due south ever been merely a matter of gently rolling back and along for some shorter or longer period of time until the nerves are settled and I'm ready to fall asleep. I may well have washed it more energetically when I was very young, every bit children often do everything with way more free energy than needed ;-)

I hope this helps someone else out at that place. This forum has been interesting to me!

I thought I was the simply i that did it.
by: Bearding

I'm a 25-year-old female and have rocked my head side to side for forth as I tin call back. I thought I was prob a bit strange and the merely one who did it.

I used to become told off for doing it, I suppose mainly cos they constitute information technology disturbing, and it actually tangled up my hair pretty bad. And would take ages to brush out. I threatened if I didn't terminate they'd cut my hair off like boy, they never did though. I was treated as if information technology was naughty. And fifty-fifty my grandparents looked down on it too.

I don't accept to rock myself to sleep and my partner has no thought of this since a kid I learned to try to hide it and call up of ways to prevent my hair from getting tangled.

I can go weeks even months just get enjoyment out of it when I practice, find it relaxing and can close off from the world into my own thoughts.

At present a mother myself my eldest kid does it. He's always had to be rocked to sleep, either in Moses basket or if we held him when he was a babe me saturday up rocking back and along trying to soothe him helped him settle, since near 9 months he began headbanging. I don't stress over information technology or brand him feel aback. He starts when he gets tired while I read him a story and sing him songs before his bed. He's now iii though and was hoping he would take grown out of information technology by now, but I'm non going to tell him to cease. He's salubrious and happy and if 15 of head rolling helps him sleep then zippo I do or say will stop that.

My Baby Does information technology when trying to sleep :)
past: Bearding

I've Noticed it when my 4-month-one-time infant is trying to sleep I got so scared at first and only cuddled him in my arms his been doing information technology for a month now on and off not that much thou merely only recently my partner when nosotros were getting set to get out he said our son shook his caput and hands while he was sleeping, Epilepsy (however you spell information technology) Runs on his side of the family so today I'm making an engagement for my baby. I hope all is well with him. He never shakes similar that after thou then I hope it's not Epilepsy.

babe shakes head after waking upwardly
by: Anonymous

My baby is iv months and shakes his caput briefly similar he'southward trembling after being woken in a sudden manner from either a audio or from taking him from place to identify while he's in deep sleep.he had fallen on the flooring when he was five weeks and the dr asked only for an x-ray but didn't ask for encephalon MRI.. some of the previous comments comforted me but I think its best to check with the pediatrician.I hope that information technology won't develop into epilepsy.

my baby shakes head when she intends to wake up
by: Anonymous

My baby started shaking the caput at 0ne month whenever she wants to wake upwards from slumber, I thought is a problem. I took her to the dr. but he confirms it is normal.

Caput Move
by: Anonymous


head shaking
by: Anonymous

I used to shake my head to autumn asleep when I was a child. I would put my head between my legs and shake my head from side to side until I was so tired I would become to sleep. I did this until I was most nine years erstwhile. The just reason I stopped doing it was because even at 9 I knew that it was not normal and I told myself I needed to stop doing it so one night I decided I wouldn't do it anymore and started shaking my foot to become to sleep. I still have to milk shake my pes every dark before bed and I am in my mid-twenties now.

back and forth
by: Anonymous

My baby, at present viii.five months started dropping her head downward and upwards while sitting at 7 months. She did this often and I was scared that she might have seizures and got EEG done(slumber). Her reports were normal. Doctors asked me to go along a check on her and said this might be BMEI and will keep its own. Afterward a few days she stopped doing it but now she over again does it at the fourth dimension not very often. And so there is cipher to worry about and her addiction will keep its own. Her growth patterns are all normal, to date. I promise she is just fine!

iii head shakers in one family
by: Anonymous

My daughter is 22 years old now and studies medicine. She has been shaking her caput ever since she was a few months onetime to the bespeak where no hair would grow on a circle at the back of her caput (until she was about 3). She says she needs to exercise it, it relaxes her and helps her go to sleep. Maybe it has to exercise with the fact that she is a highly driven, at times rather broken-hearted person? None of my other children did information technology.

However, my twin granddaughters at 7 months have just started to violently shake their heads, independently from each other, once, twice a day, usually only before they drop off to sleep. I believe it's odd but have come to the conclusion that it's probably harmless if possible medical reasons have been checked out kickoff.

caput shaking
by: leah

My infant is shaking caput as well and also hits her head with her hand, simply mostly on the right side. She even shakes her head in her sleep. she also gets ear infection every month. Is in that location annihilation I can do crusade I might think that its ear infection then it might be something else.

Nosotros have changed to a new commenting system. Is your baby shaking head too? Add together your comments below. :-)


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